Big data: how predictive analytics is taking over the public sector

 From predicting emergency department admissions to identifying tax fraud, the Australian public sector is putting its mountains of data to work

Ambulances waiting outside a hospital emergency department in Melbourne – a CSIRO big data project has been able to predict inflows on any day with up to 93% accuracy. Photograph: AAP/Julian Smith

Few workplaces might seem more unpredictable in their workload than the emergency department of a major hospital. But even the random circumstances that send patients to the ER start to yield patterns when subjected to new methods of data analysis.

For Dr James Lind, director of access and patient flow at Gold Coast Health, clever analysis of admission records by the CSIRO means he can now predict the Gold Coast hospital’s emergency admissions on any day of the year with an accuracy of up to 93%. Read more.

Fonte: The Guardian.


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